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Dataset Title:  NDBC - Collection of water surface height above a specific datum (SLEV)
TimeSeries - IN SITU MultiPointTimeSeriesObservation
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Institution:  NDBC   (Dataset ID: TS_SLEV_NDBC)
Information:  Summary ? | License ? | FGDC | ISO 19115 | Metadata | Background (external link) | Data Access Form | Files | Make a graph

Select a subset:      (Current number of distinct combinations of matching data: 498)
Make as many selections as you want, in any order. Each selection changes the other options (and the map and data below) accordingly.

    PLATFORMCODE ?  =  498 options
    SOURCE ?  =  1 option: ndbc

View:      Map of All Related Data ?      Distinct Data Counts ?     Distinct Data ?      Related Data Counts ?     Related Data ?

Map of All Related Data ?   (Refine the map and/or download the image)

To view the map, check View : Map of All Related Data above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

Distinct Data Counts ?

To view the counts of distinct combinations of the variables listed above,
check View : Distinct Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.


Distinct Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)  

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AAMC1 ndbc
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AGCM4 ndbc
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AKXA2 ndbc
ALXN6 ndbc
AMAA2 ndbc
AMRL1 ndbc
ANPT2 ndbc
ANTA2 ndbc
ANVC1 ndbc
APAM2 ndbc
APCF1 ndbc
APNM4 ndbc
APRP7 ndbc
ATGM1 ndbc
ATKA2 ndbc
AUGA2 ndbc
AWRT2 ndbc
BABT2 ndbc
BARN6 ndbc
BATN6 ndbc
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BDVF1 ndbc
BFTN7 ndbc
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BMTW1 ndbc
BNKF1 ndbc
BOBF1 ndbc
BSBM4 ndbc
BSCA1 ndbc
BUFN6 ndbc
BURL1 ndbc
BUZM3 ndbc
BWSF1 ndbc
BZBM3 ndbc
BZST2 ndbc
CANF1 ndbc
CBLO1 ndbc
CDEA2 ndbc
CDXA2 ndbc
CHAO3 ndbc
CHBV2 ndbc
CHII2 ndbc
CHTM3 ndbc
CLKN7 ndbc
CLSM4 ndbc
CMLN3 ndbc
CMPO1 ndbc
CNBF1 ndbc
CNII2 ndbc
CPXC1 ndbc
CRGA2 ndbc
CRTA1 ndbc
CSPA2 ndbc
CTGM1 ndbc
CWAF1 ndbc
CYGM4 ndbc
DBLN6 ndbc
DELD1 ndbc
DESW1 ndbc
DISW3 ndbc
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DPHA1 ndbc
DPLA2 ndbc
DPXC1 ndbc
DUKN7 ndbc
EB32_ ndbc
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EB61_ ndbc
EGKF1 ndbc
EROA2 ndbc
ERXA2 ndbc
FFIA2 ndbc
FHPF1 ndbc
FILA2 ndbc
FMRF1 ndbc
FOXR1 ndbc
FPKG1 ndbc
FPST2 ndbc
FPTM4 ndbc
FRDF1 ndbc
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FRMA1 ndbc
FRWL1 ndbc
FRXM3 ndbc
FSKM2 ndbc
FSNM2 ndbc
FTGM4 ndbc
GBCL1 ndbc
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GBTF1 ndbc
GBWW3 ndbc
GBXA2 ndbc
GDMM5 ndbc
GELO1 ndbc
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GISL1 ndbc
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GKYF1 ndbc
GNJT2 ndbc
GPXA2 ndbc
GRMM4 ndbc
GRRT2 ndbc
GSLM4 ndbc
GTLM4 ndbc
GTOT2 ndbc
GTRM4 ndbc
GUXA2 ndbc
HAXA2 ndbc
HBXC1 ndbc
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HCEF1 ndbc
HCGN7 ndbc
HHLO1 ndbc
HIST2 ndbc
HLNM4 ndbc
HREF1 ndbc
HSSF1 ndbc
IOSN3 ndbc
JBYF1 ndbc
JKYF1 ndbc
JLXA2 ndbc
JNGA2 ndbc
KBMG1 ndbc
KEXA2 ndbc
KNSW3 ndbc
LAPW1 ndbc
LBSF1 ndbc
LCNA2 ndbc
LDLC3 ndbc
LJPC1 ndbc
LMDF1 ndbc
LMFS1 ndbc
LMRF1 ndbc
LONF1 ndbc
LOPL1 ndbc
LOPW1 ndbc
LRIF1 ndbc
LRKF1 ndbc
LSNF1 ndbc
MBIN7 ndbc
MBLA1 ndbc
MBNN7 ndbc
MBPA1 ndbc
MBRM4 ndbc
MBXC1 ndbc
MCGA1 ndbc
MCGM4 ndbc
MCYF1 ndbc
MDKF1 ndbc
MDRM1 ndbc
MEYC1 ndbc
MHRN6 ndbc
MISM1 ndbc
MLSC1 ndbc
MNBF1 ndbc
MNMM4 ndbc
MOKH1 ndbc
MRKA2 ndbc
MRNA2 ndbc
MUKF1 ndbc
MXXA2 ndbc
NEAW1 ndbc
NPDW3 ndbc
NPSF1 ndbc
NREP1 ndbc
NRRF1 ndbc
NTBC1 ndbc
NTKM3 ndbc
NWPO3 ndbc
NWWH1 ndbc
OCGN4 ndbc
OKSI2 ndbc
PBPA2 ndbc
PCLM4 ndbc
PCXA2 ndbc
PEXA2 ndbc
PGXA2 ndbc
PILA2 ndbc
PILM4 ndbc
PKYF1 ndbc
PMAF1 ndbc
PNLM6 ndbc
PORT2 ndbc
POTA2 ndbc
PRIM4 ndbc
PRTA2 ndbc
PSXC1 ndbc
PTAT2 ndbc
PTAW1 ndbc
RCMC1 ndbc
RIXA2 ndbc
ROAM4 ndbc
RPRN6 ndbc
RTYC1 ndbc
SAUF1 ndbc
SBIO1 ndbc
SBLM4 ndbc
SCXA2 ndbc
SDIA2 ndbc
SGNW3 ndbc
SGOF1 ndbc
SHPF1 ndbc
SHXA2 ndbc
SIPF1 ndbc
SISA2 ndbc
SKXA2 ndbc
SLXA2 ndbc
SMKF1 ndbc
SPGF1 ndbc
SPTM4 ndbc
SPXA2 ndbc
SREF1 ndbc
SRLM4 ndbc
SRST2 ndbc
SSBN7 ndbc
STDM4 ndbc
STXA2 ndbc
SVNM4 ndbc
SVXA2 ndbc
SWPM4 ndbc
SXHW3 ndbc
SXXA2 ndbc
TAML1 ndbc
TAWM4 ndbc
TBYF1 ndbc
TCBM2 ndbc
TCNW1 ndbc
TCVF1 ndbc
TDPC1 ndbc
TESL1 ndbc
THRF1 ndbc
THRO1 ndbc
TKEA2 ndbc
TLBO3 ndbc
TLVT2 ndbc
TOKW1 ndbc
TPAF1 ndbc
TPEF1 ndbc
TPLM2 ndbc
TRDF1 ndbc
TRRF1 ndbc
TWCO1 ndbc
TXPT2 ndbc
TXVT2 ndbc
ULRA2 ndbc
UNLA2 ndbc
UPBC1 ndbc
UQXA2 ndbc
VCVA2 ndbc
VDXA2 ndbc
VENF1 ndbc
VTBT2 ndbc
WAHV2 ndbc
WATS1 ndbc
WCXA2 ndbc
WDSV2 ndbc
WIWF1 ndbc
WIXA2 ndbc
WLON7 ndbc
WNEM4 ndbc
WPLF1 ndbc
WPOW1 ndbc
WPTW1 ndbc
WRBF1 ndbc
WWEF1 ndbc
WYCM6 ndbc
YATA2 ndbc
YGNN6 ndbc

In total, there are 498 rows of distinct combinations of the variables listed above. All of the rows are shown above.
To change the maximum number of rows displayed, change View : Distinct Data above.

Related Data Counts ?

To view the related data counts,
check View : Related Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

Related Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)

To view the related data, change View : Related Data above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

ERDDAP, Version 2.24
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